The Intersection of Menopause & ADHD
Brightly colored graphic of the Lifting Leaders Podcast special series, and a screenshot of Traci Staffen, Kristal Roberts, and Tricia Rhine imposed over the graphic. A text box reads, “We need to get rid of the unwarranted stigma. We need to support women. How can we support women We can have these conversations.”
It might not occur to most women right away, and not to most coaching professionals, to be honest, but you really can’t address ADHD in mid-life without also considering where you are in your reproductive lifecycle.
Menopause—and perimenopause—are neuroendicrine transition states, which means your brain is quite literally changing in significant ways, and this impacts all areas of your life, including your health, your relationships, and your ability to function the way you need to.
There is so much I want you to know about your brain and body during menopause. There is so much misinformation out there about what menopause is—and isn’t. And now that maybe you know you’re in perimenopause or menopause, what does this even mean? What are you supposed to do? Are these strange changes to your mind and body things you’re supposed to simply accept, and are you supposed to just get on with it?
I was recently interviewed on the Lifting Leaders Podcast which was released on October 7th, 2024. Take a listen and let me know what you think.
I did my best to provide a succinct overview in the hour we had together, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you still feel lost or confused, please book a consultation with me. I promise you that in 90 minutes, you will feel seen, encouraged, empowered, and you’ll be able to go forward armed with accurate information and resources so that you can start your journey of feeling like yourself again!