The Intersection of Menopause & ADHD
It might not occur to most women right away, and not to most coaching professionals, to be honest, but you really can’t address ADHD in mid-life without also considering where you are in your reproductive lifecycle.
Microdosing Happiness
It can seem like meditation and mindfulness aren’t as accessible for ADHDers, but there are so many important benefits for the brain. It's doable, and worth pursuing.
If it was easy, you’d just do it.
Do you ever ask yourself, "Why can't I just DO THIS!?!" It’s typical to become disheartened when the new routine/habit/ritual to solve all your ADHD problems doesn’t work out as well as expected, or maybe not at all.
When a To-do List is NOT a To-do List!
If this is you, that means you think your to-do list is a to-do list. I promise you, it's not!
Your brain is lying to you.
For many of us NDs, shame is an almost constant companion, and we internalize the accompanying narratives believing that because they're part of our own thoughts, they must be true.
Task Initiation, Avoidance, & ADHD
There's nothing like an imminent deadline to help ADHDers get things done. What creates this behavior? If you think I'm referring to "procrastination", keep reading (hint: it's not procrastination).
Another Good Resource
When you receive an ADHD diagnosis, it can be both revelatory and overwhelming. Additionally, it can be difficult to convey to friends, family members, and co-workers what ADHD is (and isn’t!). Access to accurate, easily digestible information is a godsend.
Learning How to Love Yourself by Creating a Gratitude Practice
This subject is very near and dear to me, and I post often about it, because I have a hyper aroused nervous system, which is a hallmark of ADHD. Learning to love yourself is directly linked to the skills we need to be happier.
“Fixing” ADHD vs. Self-acceptance
Sometimes I notice themes in conversations. This past week, a few people have asked me how they can fix themselves or overcome their ADHD and what they feel are their shortcomings because of it. To this I say, you don't need fixing, you're wonderful the way you are. Honest!
What is Your Happiness Default?
When we allow our brains to run our thoughts uninhibited on the negative or harmful subjects they habitually default to, and without us paying much attention, this is where we run into trouble…
What is “Body Doubling” and why does it work so well?
ADHD does come with a few super powers (intense ability to focus, mad skills in a crisis, lots of empathy), but we also navigate our days with executive disfunction making it really tough to get things done…
Externalize Your Working Memory
I assure you, it is absolutely possible to improve daily life, to feel better, to regain confidence, and it begins with externalizing your working memory because your working memory cannot be relied upon.
Addressing the Top 5 Challenges Facing Women with ADHD
"Receiving an ADHD diagnosis (not to mention treatment), is tremendously healing – and life-changing. That’s the overwhelming message I heard from the dozens of women I interviewed, all over 60, who were diagnosed with ADHD later in life. Here are solutions to the Top 5 challenges facing women with ADHD."
William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA: Secrets of Your ADHD Brain
“Most people are neurologically equipped to determine what’s important and get motivated to do it, even when it doesn’t interest them. Then there are the rest of us, who have attention deficit — ADHD or ADD — and the brain that goes along with it.”
Happiness is a Skill, and Skills can be Learned.
There’s the saying, “Happiness is a choice.” I say happiness is a practice and a skill, and unless we develop the skill, happiness isn't a choice we can make easily in the midst of turmoil.
Sunday Gratitude! August 21st
Things can look pretty grim out there these days, and in order to survive the intense emotions ADHDers struggle with because of our emotional hyperarousal, it's more important than ever to develop a habit of looking for the good.
Anticipating Hiccups
Self-acceptance must include the awareness that despite your best efforts—despite all the phone reminders, sticky notes, and printed calendars—there will be hiccups, setbacks, glitches, and stumbling blocks.
Identifying Your Daily or Weekly “Big 3”
Some days (everyday?), even simple to-do lists are too much because of competing priorities and general overwhelm. To-do lists are GREAT—they’re a fantastic tool—however, not every item or task has the same importance.
Do you struggle with “Right vs. Wrong” thinking?
It’s a little more than perfectionism and people pleasing. It’s also about not knowing what done looks like (impaired executive functions), or struggling with a set of social rules we don’t always understand. In any case, all have the effect of keeping us from finishing tasks or
Hydration – Why is it important for ADHD brains?
Hydration is critical for healthy brain function, in part because 75% of brain mass is water. Research shows even mild dehydration negatively impacts our cognitive functions…