William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA: Secrets of Your ADHD Brain

I’ve been talking about ADHD nervous systems for a while, thinking I was the only person who had figured this out. Did I say it first? Perhaps not, but I’ll take ONE of the first!

Here is an excellent article by one of my favorite ADHD clinicians and authors, Dr. William Dodson where he references ADHD nervous systems. He also provides some excellent explanations of how our brains and nervous systems are different and how to write our own playbooks so we can accomplish our goals. Here is one highlight of many important insights.

“Most people with an ADHD nervous system can engage in tasks and access their abilities when the task is urgent — a do-or-die deadline, for instance. This is why procrastination is an almost universal impairment in people with ADHD. They want to get their work done, but they can’t get started until the task becomes interesting, challenging, or urgent.”


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Addressing the Top 5 Challenges Facing Women with ADHD


Happiness is a Skill, and Skills can be Learned.