Anticipating Hiccups

In the private Facebook Group I run ("The Late Bloomer's Guild: Support for Women Navigating ADHD Later in Life") most of the membership asks include requests for more information about how to cope, how to get things done, how to navigate life with this new reality of ADHD diagnosis.

YES, it is absolutely possible to improve these things, to feel better, and to be happier. A big part of that “happier” is self-acceptance.

Self-acceptance must include the awareness that despite your best efforts—despite all the phone reminders, sticky notes, and printed calendars—there will be hiccups, setbacks, glitches, and stumbling blocks. We have ADHD brains and nervous systems!

Any system, personal planner, habit, or app we put in place is not going to work 100% of the time (personally, I think 75% is a reasonable expectation.) This self-awareness can help you anticipate and plan for the hiccups and give yourself a break.

If someone has a system that’s working beautifully and they don’t have any hiccups, they might not actually have ADHD!

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Sunday Gratitude! August 21st


Identifying Your Daily or Weekly “Big 3”