When You Take Care of Your Hormones, You’re also Taking Care of Your ADHD Brain
HORMONES! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them, and they complicate our already complex ADHD traits, no matter what our age or stage of life: adolescence, childbearing years, perimenopause, and menopause.
To top it off, reproductive hormones appear to have a greater impact on ADHDers than our neurotypical counterparts: hormonal "issues" are bigger, and the effects on our ADHD are also greater.
There’s still too little known about how our reproductive hormones impact our brains, but one thing is certain: you can best take care of your body’s ability to manage your hormones—and support your brain at the same time—by taking good care of yourself. It’s a twofer!
Manage your stress
Get good sleep
Drink lots of water
Eat well
What are you doing this week to take good care of yourself?
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